


A Nature Cure Practitioner is a Health Diagnostician and a Health Educator


    Every client begins with a full health diagnosis. During the diagnostic consultation, time is taken to understand your health concerns, your wellness goals and how we can simply and effectively get you feeling better. Diagnostic tools such as iridiagnosis, spinal examination, personal health and nutrition history and physical parameter testing, whilst also taking into consideration your emotional and mental health, are all employed to provide a complete differential diagnosis of your health condition. Differential diagnosis will identify the patterns in your health history and provide you with concrete answers as to why you have not been able to get well so far.

The next health consultation after the diagnostic process, will deliver your diagnostic findings and provide you with your personal Health Restoration Plan (HRP). The Nature Cure diagnostic process is the most thorough natural health diagnostic process available. Our process of differential diagnosis will provide you with exact information as to your current state of health, your hereditary strengths and weaknesses, where the seat of disease lies within your body and what the cause/s of your disease state are.

Your individual HRP will deliver upon your health and wellness goals, outlining every facet of what you need to do to get well and stay well, once and for all! Your HRP is a ‘living’ document and will be monitored and evaluated as needed. After we have done your diagnosis and provided your personalised HRP, this can then be followed by diet and lifestyle education consultations. On average I do 4-6 education consultations with clients post diagnosis, but this is purely up to you and whether you feel you need more guidance. Each health education consultation will be followed with educational materials to further support your understanding. I will be available to you to provide support and guidance throughout to ensure you achieve your desired health outcomes.

A Nature Cure practitioner diagnoses a client’s state of health, identifies and assists them to remove the causes of their health problems and then puts each client on a specific tailored program (HRP) to regain their health. I will educate you to take full control of your own health. Once we have finished the health education sessions, it is most likely that you will not require my assistance ongoing, and it will be up to your discretion as to whether you wish to consult with me in the future. There are no expensive prescriptions to be purchased and your financial outlay will be limited to consultation fees.

Health is the natural state of the human organism, once you learn how to build health in your everyday life, disease will be a thing of the past. I focus on the causes of your health issues, getting to the core of the problem and ensuring thorough, lasting results and a less complicated treatment plan. Your optimal health is our goal. Confidentiality and Professionalism is guaranteed!

I practice extensively with clients around Australia and internationally. Zoom, Skype and Telephone consultations are available if you are not in my clinic area.

Contact Victoria

Please use the contact form below to connect with me if you have any questions or want to book a consultation.

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